Remove SQL code from Rails schema file
NickName:NoDisplayName Ask DateTime:2015-04-03T13:19:28

Remove SQL code from Rails schema file

So a while ago I was working with triggers and added a few to one of my tables for insert and update events and thus they went to my schema.rb but then I found a way not to use triggers and removed them from the dabatase console but their sql code obviously hadn't been deleted from the schema file, so now I have something like that in it:

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public.arguments_vector_update()
 RETURNS trigger
 LANGUAGE plpgsql
AS $function$
        new.tsv_body = to_tsvector('pg_catalog.simple', COALESCE(NEW.text, ''));
    END IF;
        IF NEW.text <> OLD.text THEN
            new.tsv_body = to_tsvector('pg_catalog.simple', COALESCE(NEW.text, ''));
        END IF;
    END IF;

and I think I've deleted the migration file too -_-

I could probably add a new migration with the code to remove the trigers but it'd make the schema file even messier, so I wonder if there is another way to remove this code from the schema file ?

I am using PSQL, if it's important.

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