Remove all tables from schema except specific ones in SQL?
NickName:Federico Gentile Ask DateTime:2021-08-30T19:25:35

Remove all tables from schema except specific ones in SQL?

I have a SQL database and I would like to remove almost all tables related to a specific schema except a couple of them. Therefore I think I would need to edit the following sql query (which removes all tables of a specific schema):

EXEC sp_MSforeachtable
@command1 = 'DROP TABLE ?'
, @whereand = 'AND SCHEMA_NAME(schema_id) = ''your_schema_name'' '

Would you be able to suggest a smart and elegant way so that I can add a list of tables that I would like to keep and remove everything else?

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allmhuran 2021-08-30T12:08:16

If you want to keep using sp_msforeachtable, pass in the set of tables names to keep using a temp table. Here's an example using the boo schema:\n\ncreate schema boo;\ncreate table boo.t(i int);\n\ncreate table #keep (name sysname); \ninsert #keep values ('myFirsttable'), ('mySecondTable'), ('myThirdTable');\n\nexec sp_msforeachtable \n @command1='drop table ?; print ''dropped ?''',\n @whereand = 'and schema_name(schema_id) = ''your_schema_name'' and object_name(object_id) not in (select name from #keep)';\n\nBut personally, I'd probably just write my own stored procedure with a cursor. It's harder to mess up.\nNote that this solution expects you to put the tables you want to keep into the temp table. Charlieface's solution expects you to put the names of tables you want to drop into the table variable.",

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