Generate Rails migrations from a schema
NickName:AaronThomson Ask DateTime:2011-04-01T08:17:51

Generate Rails migrations from a schema

I am creating a new Rails application which will work with an existing schema. I have been given the schema SQL but I want to create Rails migrations to populate the database in development. The schema is not overly complicated, with around 20 tables, however I don't want to waste time and risk typos by manually creating the migrations.

Is there a way to generate Rails migrations given a schema's SQL?

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François Beausoleil 2011-04-01T00:56:54

Sure, connect your application to your database, then run\n\nrake db:schema:dump\n\n\nThis will give you a db/schema.rb ready with all of your definitions. Now that you have that db/schema.rb, simply copy the contents within the declaration into a new migration. I've done this before, and it works just great.",

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