Meteor -mysql methods are not returning the records
NickName:Sanjay Ask DateTime:2019-10-02T16:34:47

Meteor -mysql methods are not returning the records

I am new to Meteor, I am using MySQL database instead of MongoDB. I want to return mysql records from one of the Meteor Method at server and I am try to return same and at client side I want to print them into console. But it is printing as 'undefined'.

enter image description here


    import { Meteor } from 'meteor/meteor';
    import mysql from 'mysql';
    import { Mongo } from 'meteor/mongo';
        insertJobCurrent:function(EMPLID,callback) {

            var pool = mysql.createConnection({
                host: '',
                user: 'root',
                password: 'abc1234',
                database: 'dbEmployees'
                //port: '31597'

            var JobCurrent=[];
            pool.query("SELECT A.EMPLID, B.NAME, A.JOBCODE, A.DEPTID, A.JOB_ENTRY_DT, A.SUPERVISOR_ID FROM Employee A JOIN names B ON A.EMPLID=B.EMPLID WHERE A.ACTIVE='Y' AND A.EMPL_RCD=0 AND A.EMPLID='"+EMPLID +"'", function (error, results, fields){

                console.log(results); // Printing the results in Meteor console
                return results;


            //return jobCurrent.find().fetch();

--------'insertJobCurrent',employeeID, function(err, response){
            if (err) {
                console.log("error: "+ err);
            } else{

                console.log(response); // Printing undefined

How can get the results at client side? Appreciate if anyone help me!

Copyright Notice:Content Author:「Sanjay」,Reproduced under the CC 4.0 BY-SA copyright license with a link to the original source and this disclaimer.
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