Retrieve MySQL insert id in Meteor method
NickName:CoastalP47 Ask DateTime:2015-02-11T06:56:02

Retrieve MySQL insert id in Meteor method

I am relatively new to Node and Meteor and am trying to retrieve the insert ID of a MySQL query using the numtal:mysql package. The trouble I run into is the query function running on the server and not returning to the client. I need the ID to return to the client so I can route the client to the newly created entry.

  'click .button.submit' : function(){'demoFunc', function(error, result){


    //construct deal object
    var newDeal = {
      dealer_id : 1,
      client_id : 1

    //deal query
    liveDb.db.query('INSERT INTO deal SET ?', newDeal, function(err, result){
      return result.returnId;


If I could get the result.returnId in the demoFunc method to return to the client then I would be golden. If anyone's run into anything like this or worked around this, any help would be greatly appreciated.

Copyright Notice:Content Author:「CoastalP47」,Reproduced under the CC 4.0 BY-SA copyright license with a link to the original source and this disclaimer.
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Mário 2015-02-11T02:32:02

The best place to ask that is at\n\nThis is a community packages and I highly recommend not to use it in production, only for learning/fun. You can also contribute to this repo by adding that feature that you want.\n\nIt is expect that Meteor will support MySQL soon. Meteor bought Fatomdb:",

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