Manage multiple accounts in different companies with django
NickName:Max Iskram Ask DateTime:2022-03-30T20:06:59

Manage multiple accounts in different companies with django

I'm learning and working with django less than a year ago. Now I have to develop a site managing multiple users separated by many different companies. I've recently found django-organizations package which seems suitable for this application, I have read the complete documentation in readthedocs, but I can't find simple working example apps to start trying, and the activity on communities like stackoverflow on this subject seems to have decayed two years ago.

Please can anybody tell me if django-organizations is an updated package, compatible with last python and django versions, and provide a source of simple “Hello World”-like examples.

Or, by the other hand, please suggest me the best way/library to manage signup, login, permissions, etc,in a multiple users – multiple company Django web application.

Copyright Notice:Content Author:「Max Iskram」,Reproduced under the CC 4.0 BY-SA copyright license with a link to the original source and this disclaimer.
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