Django Multiple concurrent logged-in accounts
NickName:Blazor Ask DateTime:2017-03-01T03:02:51

Django Multiple concurrent logged-in accounts

In the context of a e-health related service, the end-users (health operators, doctors and physiotherapists) working in the same physical environment and sharing just one client PC to interact with my backend, asked me to provide them with a mechanism to quickly switch among different accounts (security is not a concern most of the time because they are used to work within a LAN but, occasionally, they might work from remote clients, so I must keep an authentication/authorization backend in place). They would log in just once and then, before using the web application, would select their logged-in account from a combobox (sort-of).

The UI model might be the same as in GMail where it's possible to keep multiple logged-in user accounts and switch between them through the account selector in the top right corner.

I'm no django-authentication expert, so I am not able to even tell whether this is possible in the context of a django based app.

Does anyone know of any ready-made app/middleware to get this done? Or maybe point me in the right direction if I have to extend or modify existing code?

Thanks a lot.

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