MySql escaped double quotes in string when exporting to csv
NickName:rusty_shackleford Ask DateTime:2017-12-23T05:04:06

MySql escaped double quotes in string when exporting to csv

I'm am having an issue with a record that contains a set of escaped double quotes inside a string when exporting my result set from MySql to a csv.

The record is showing correctly in the db:


however, when I export it to a csv, the result has the opening quote where the closing quote is supposed to be, and the closing quote at the end of the string:

the result has the opening quote where the closing quote is supposed to be, and the closing quote at the end of the string.

Here is the insert statement:

INSERT INTO table_name (hh_name) VALUES ("Sam \"FakeName\" & Lisa Smith");

Is there a way to enter the data so that the csv export shows the same way as it shows up in the db?

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