Exporting String data from Bigquery to GCS (CSV) without double quotes
NickName:passionate Ask DateTime:2019-10-27T18:09:34

Exporting String data from Bigquery to GCS (CSV) without double quotes

I have a concatenated string in a Bigquery table which has double quotes enclosed while exporting data as CSV to GCS. Is there a way I can avoid double quotes in the files?

Copyright Notice:Content Author:「passionate」,Reproduced under the CC 4.0 BY-SA copyright license with a link to the original source and this disclaimer.
Link to original article:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/58578392/exporting-string-data-from-bigquery-to-gcs-csv-without-double-quotes

Aragorn 2019-11-06T12:21:36

The reason the final csv has quotes is because the string contains ',' which is also the default delimiter. Specifying a different delimiter other than ',' should work.\nbq extract --format none --noprint_header --field_delimiter \"|\" [table_name] [gcs_file_location]",

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