Vertica different calculations than in PostgreSQL
NickName:Sleepwalker Ask DateTime:2015-09-09T21:07:40

Vertica different calculations than in PostgreSQL

I have one query:

SELECT CAST(((stats.ts_spawn - 1427835600) / 86400) * 86400 + 
1427835600 AS INTEGER) AS anon_1 FROM stats WHERE stats.ts_spawn > 
1427835600 AND stats.ts_spawn < 1428440399 GROUP BY anon_1 order by anon_1;

I'm expecting to get start of the each day in a week.

Result in Postgresql:


Vertica returns start of each hour of each day of the week:

... and so on, total 167 records(24 * 7 - 1)

I have no idea how to modify this query.

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