Convert String to array and validate size on Vertica
NickName:Hard Worker Ask DateTime:2019-03-03T18:10:47

Convert String to array and validate size on Vertica

I need to execute a SQL query, which converts a String column to a Array and then validate the size of that array

I was able to do it easily with postgresql: e.g.


But for some reason trying to convert String on vertica to array is not that simple, Saw this links:

And much more that non of them helped.

I also tried using:

select  REGEXP_COUNT('a$b$$$$$','$')

But i get an incorrect value - 1.

How can i Convert String to array on Vertica and gets his Length ?

Copyright Notice:Content Author:「Hard Worker」,Reproduced under the CC 4.0 BY-SA copyright license with a link to the original source and this disclaimer.
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Gordon Linoff 2019-03-03T12:04:53

$ has a special meaning in a regular expression. It represents the end of the string.\n\nTry escaping it:\n\nselect REGEXP_COUNT('a$b$$$$$', '[$]')\n",

A. Saunders 2019-03-05T17:29:35

You could create a UDx scalar function (UDSF) in Java, C++, R or Python. The input would be a string and the output would be an integer.\n\nThis will allow you to use language specific array logic on the strings passed in. For example in python, you could include this logic:\n\ninput_list = input.split(\"$\")\nfiltered_input_list = list(filter(None, input_list))\nlist_count = len(filtered_input_list)\n\n\nThese examples are a good starting point for writing UDx's for Vertica.",

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