How can I handle error while executing remote command in linux
NickName:user3527110 Ask DateTime:2016-04-29T17:19:25

How can I handle error while executing remote command in linux

I am currently creating a class to execute command remotely on a linux machine using ssh(paramiko). The following is the code I am using

def connect(self):
    ssh = paramiko.SSHClient()
    ssh.connect(self.ip, port=self.port, username=self.user,password=self.password,timeout=self.timeout)
    return ssh

def runCommands(self,commands):
    channel = ssh.invoke_shell()
    for command in commands:
        while channel.send_ready()!=True:
            if wait==5:
                return 0
    return 1

My question here is if the command run into an error for example if I use 'mkdir a': "file exist error" is encountered, How can I handle it. I tried using channel.recv(buff_size) but the problem here is I could not differentiate between error and normal messages.

Thanks in advance

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