Error while executing linux command using Java
NickName:sureshd Ask DateTime:2013-08-10T19:51:29

Error while executing linux command using Java

I'm trying to execute the following command using Java

Process acquirInterfaces = Runtime.getRuntime().exec("dumpcap -D");

and getting error as Cannot run program "dumpcap": error=2, No such file or directory

Linux box where im executing this command has got installed with dumpcap which is located under (/usr/local/bin)

What is the mistake im doing, please help

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Gokul Nath KP 2013-08-10T11:53:50

Use the following line, with exact path:\n\nProcess acquirInterfaces = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(\"/usr/local/bin/dumpcap -D\");\n",

Luis Sep 2013-08-10T11:52:44

Then try\n\nProcess acquirInterfaces = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(\"/usr/local/bin/dumpcap -D\");\n\n\nAnd in case you have any problem with the slash, use File.separator:\n\nProcess acquirInterfaces = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(File.separator + \"usr\" + File.separator + \"local\" + File.separator + \"bin\" + File.separator + \"dumpcap -D\");\n",

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