Adding data to an array
NickName:Brooke. Ask DateTime:2011-09-18T16:31:22

Adding data to an array

I am trying a add data to an array using a while loop but it seems to be adding the data as a string not array. Loops/arrays are something I'm still learning any help would be great.

$c = 0;
$numberofcustom = 5;
$defaults = array(
'title' => __('Follow Us!', 'smw'),
 'text' => ''
while ($c < $numberofcustom) {
    $customnumber = $c + 1;
        'custom' . $customnumber . 'name' => __('', 'smw'),
        'custom' . $customnumber . 'icon' => __('', 'smw'),
        'custom' . $customnumber . 'url' => __('', 'smw')


The problem seems to be with adding the data from the loop if I do a print_r just on that I just get "array" back.

Any help would be appreciated.


I decided I don't need a multi dimensional array so I used the suggestions below and came up with

while( $c < $numberofcustom){
    $customnumber = $c+1;
        $defaults['custom'.$customnumber.'name'] = __('', 'smw');
        $defaults['custom'.$customnumber.'icon'] = __('', 'smw');
        $defaults['custom'.$customnumber.'url'] = __('', 'smw');

Copyright Notice:Content Author:「Brooke.」,Reproduced under the CC 4.0 BY-SA copyright license with a link to the original source and this disclaimer.
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Matteo Riva 2011-09-18T08:39:08

Don't do this:\n\n$defaults.=array(\n\n 'custom'.$customnumber.'name' => __('', 'smw'),\n 'custom'.$customnumber.'icon' => __('', 'smw'),\n 'custom'.$customnumber.'url' => __('', 'smw')\n );\n\n\ndynamic array keys are almost as bad as variables with a dynamic name. Use another array level instead:\n\n$defaults[$customernumber] = array(\n 'customname' => __('', 'smw'),\n 'customicon' => __('', 'smw'),\n 'customurl' => __('', 'smw'),\n);\n",

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