Python function to add values in a Pandas Dataframe using values from another Dataframe
NickName: Ask DateTime:2015-11-21T03:00:12

Python function to add values in a Pandas Dataframe using values from another Dataframe

I am a newbie in Python and I am struggling for coding things that seem simple in PHP/SQL and I hope you can help me.

I have 2 Pandas Dataframes that I have simplified for a better understanding.

In the first Dataframe df2015, I have the Sales for the 2015. ! Notice that unfortunately, we do not have ALL the values for each store !

>>> df2015

    Store   Date        Sales       
0   1       2015-01-15  6553        
1   3       2015-01-15  7016        
2   6       2015-01-15  8840    
3   8       2015-01-15  10441
4   9       2015-01-15  7952

And another Dataframe named df2016 for the Sales Forecast in 2016, which lists ALL the stores.
( As you guess, the column SalesForecast is the column to fill. )

>>> df2016

    Store   Date        SalesForecast
0   1       2016-01-15      
1   2       2016-01-15  
2   3       2016-01-15  
3   4       2016-01-15  
4   5       2016-01-15  

I want to create a function that for each row in df2016 will retrieve the Sales values from df2015, and for example, will increase by 5% these values and add these new values in SalesForecast column of df2016.

Let's say forecast is the function I have created that I want to apply :

def forecast(store_id,date):
    sales2015 = df2015['Sales'].loc[(df2015['Store'].values == store_id) & (df2015['Date'].values == date )].values
    forecast2016 = sales2015 * 1.05
    return forecast2016

I have tested this function in a hardcoding way as below and it works:

>>> forecast(1,'2015-01-15')
array([ 6880.65])

But here we are where my problem is... How can I apply this function to the dataframes ?

It would be very easy to do it in PHP by creating a loop for each row in df2016 and retrieve the values (if they exist) from df2015 by a SELECT and WHERE Store = store_id and Date = date.. ...but the it seems the logic is not the same with Pandas Dataframes and Python.

I have tried the apply function as follows :

df2016['SalesForecast'] = df2016.apply(df2016['Store'],df2016['Date'])

but I am unable to put the arguments correctly or there is something I am doing wrong..

I think I do not have the good method or maybe my method is not suitable at all with Pandas and Python.. ?

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