foreach sort results from database
NickName:Tatata Ask DateTime:2018-02-16T21:11:24

foreach sort results from database

I have 9 blocks, and I want sort it by last news added. I have code:

$projects = Projects::find(['conditions' => 'active = 1', 'order' => 'id DESC']);
    $itemsps = [];
    foreach($projects as $project) {
        if(!$project->{'link_' . $lang. ''}) continue;
        $itemsp['title_md'] = $project->title_md;
        $itemsp['title_ru'] = $project->title_ru;
        $itemsp['link'] = 'http://'.$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']. '/' . $lang . '/' . $project->{'link_' . $lang. ''};
        $category = Categories::findFirst('alias = ' . "'$project->link_md'" . ' OR alias_ru = ' . "'$project->link_ru'");
        $lastCat = NewsCategories::find('categories_id = ' . $category->id)->getLast();

        if($lastCat === false) continue;

        $lastImage = 'uploads/' . $lastCat['news_id'] . '.jpg';

        $itemsp['image'] = $lastImage;

        $itemsps[] = $itemsp;

How I can order by last records of:

$lastCat = NewsCategories::find('categories_id = ' . $category->id)->getLast();

Results in my array:


Copyright Notice:Content Author:「Tatata」,Reproduced under the CC 4.0 BY-SA copyright license with a link to the original source and this disclaimer.
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