How to return new Object every time by calling same dict value in Python?
NickName:Ugnius Malūkas Ask DateTime:2018-09-19T15:31:38

How to return new Object every time by calling same dict value in Python?

I am trying to set class definition for dictionary element that every time by getting dict element new object should appear.


types = {}
types[first_type] = FirstType()
types[second_type] = SecondType()

And by setting types[first_type] I have to get new FirstType():

some_var = new types[first_type] # this is illegal statement.

How can I achieve this in Python?

Copyright Notice:Content Author:「Ugnius Malūkas」,Reproduced under the CC 4.0 BY-SA copyright license with a link to the original source and this disclaimer.
Link to original article:

iBug 2018-09-19T07:33:35

Try making them into \"object generators\" themselves.\n\ntypes = {}\ntypes[first_type] = FirstType\ntypes[second_type] = SecondType\n\n\nThen you can get a new object each time by calling that that point.\n\nsome_var = types[first_type]()\n",

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