add new key value for every dict of dict with list of dict
NickName:MrOldSir Ask DateTime:2022-04-04T04:01:55

add new key value for every dict of dict with list of dict

I have dict of dict:

a = {
    'a': {'id': 1},
    'b': {'id': 1},
    'c': {'id': 1}

And list of dict:

b = [{'word': 'foo'}, {'word': 'baz'}, {'word': 'bar'}]

I need update every dict from a to every value key word from b


a = {
    'a': {'id': 1, 'word': foo},
    'b': {'id': 1, 'word': baz},
    'c': {'id': 1, 'word': bar}

i try do it by the next way:

        'word': i
for a in a.values()
for i in [
    df['word'] for df in b

but i have all new keys with last word bar:

    a = {
    'a': {'id': 1, 'word': bar},
    'b': {'id': 1, 'word': bar},
    'c': {'id': 1, 'word': bar}

How i can solve it?

Copyright Notice:Content Author:「MrOldSir」,Reproduced under the CC 4.0 BY-SA copyright license with a link to the original source and this disclaimer.
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evanstjabadi 2022-04-03T20:23:52

I like the first answer...but along with your thinking, you just needed to get an index from enumerating the dictionary and use that to index the list.\na = {"a": {"id": 1}, "b": {"id": 1}, "c": {"id": 1}}\n\nb = [{"word": "foo"}, {"word": "baz"}, {"word": "bar"}]\n\nc = [\n value.update({"word": b[index]["word"]})\n for index, (key, value) in enumerate(a.items())\n]\n\nprint(a)\n{\n "a": {"id": 1, "word": "foo"},\n "b": {"id": 1, "word": "baz"},\n "c": {"id": 1, "word": "bar"},\n}\n",

chepner 2022-04-03T20:11:47

Use zip to iterate over a and b concurrently:\nfor k, d in zip(a, b):\n a[k].update(d)\n\nResult:\n{'a': {'id': 1, 'word': 'foo'}, \n 'b': {'id': 1, 'word': 'baz'},\n 'c': {'id': 1, 'word': 'bar'}}\n\nYou can also use a.values() as one of the arguments to zip:\nfor d1, d2 in zip(a.values(), b):\n d1.update(d2)\n",

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