Oracle: Convert XML to JSON
NickName:Priyanka Mokashi Ask DateTime:2018-09-28T02:27:01

Oracle: Convert XML to JSON

I am writing one stored procedure where by using db link I am copying data of one table and inserting it into my another db. But before inserting I need to convert one clob field which is in xml to json.

I know by using APEX package we have json functionality but it is available from version 5.0.

My Apex version is

Is there any way to covert XML field into json in oracle without using apex package?

Edit : I have already tried link

It is not woking in my case. Please help with some alternative way.

Edit 2: As suggested my oracle version is below 12.2. So I tried using Oracle Create Java Statement. I want to import some json package in create java statement. Any idea how to import java json packages to use it in create java statement in oracle?

Edit 3: I am able to do convert xml to json using load java utility. For this Followed below steps:

  1. Create java program to convert xml to json and create jar of it
  2. Load your JAR using

'call dbms_java.loadjava('PATH OF JAR FILE')'

  1. Create pl/sql function like below :

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION getXmltoJsonData(xmlString in VARCHAR2) RETURN VARCHAR2 AS LANGUAGE JAVA NAME 'CreatedJavaClass.createdMethod(java.lang.String) return java.lang.String'; /

  1. Now call this function to get json string.

select getXmltoJsonData (xmlString) as result from dual;

Copyright Notice:Content Author:「Priyanka Mokashi」,Reproduced under the CC 4.0 BY-SA copyright license with a link to the original source and this disclaimer.
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