reading unknown length file in buffer chunks in c
NickName:t_yand Ask DateTime:2018-09-27T11:02:57

reading unknown length file in buffer chunks in c

I'm trying to read unknown length binary file into buffer chunks without using the functions like lseek(),fseek.

  1. I have used struct buffer that has 1024 bytes at once. when reading file larger than 1012 bytes it will allocate several buffers. However, when it encounters the last chunk it will definitely have less or equal to 1024 bytes. Thus, i try to count the length of the last chunk so that I can read last chunk up until the eof but i am kind of confused with how to implement this.

Thanks in advance.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

typedef struct Buffer{
  unsigned char data[1012];
  struct Buffer *next; //12 bytes

void mymemcpy(void *dest, void *src, size_t length){
  Buffer *buffer_toFill = (Buffer *)dest;
  Buffer *buffer_toAdd = (Buffer *)src;
  int a = 0; 
  for(int i = 0; i < length; i++){
    buffer_toFill->data[i] = buffer_toAdd->data[i];

Buffer* add_buffer_front(Buffer *head, Buffer *read_buffer, int size){
  Buffer *new_buffer = malloc(sizeof(Buffer));
  mymemcpy(new_buffer, read_buffer, size);
  if(head != NULL){
    new_buffer->next = head;
  return new_buffer;

void display_List(Buffer *head, size_t length){
  Buffer *current = head;
  while(current != NULL){
    for(int i = 0; i < length; i++){
      printf("%02X",(unsigned)current->data[i]); //this shows different value compare with  xxd <filename>
      //printf("%c", current->data[i]);  
    Buffer *prev = current;
    current = current->next;

int main(int argc, char **argv){
  FILE *fd;
  Buffer *head_buffer = NULL;
  int file_length = 0;
  int eof_int = 1;
  if(argc != 2){
    printf("Usage: readFile <filename>\n");
    return 1; 

  fd = fopen(argv[1], "rb");

  while(eof_int != 0){ 
    Buffer *new_buffer = malloc(sizeof(Buffer));
    eof_int = fread(new_buffer, sizeof(Buffer)-12, 1, fd);
    if(eof_int == 0){ 
      //size_t length
      head_buffer = add_buffer_front(head_buffer, new_buffer, length);
      file_length += length;
      head_buffer = add_buffer_front(head_buffer, new_buffer, (sizeof(new_buffer->data)));
      file_length += (sizeof(new_buffer->data));
  display_List(head_buffer, file_length);
  return 0;

Copyright Notice:Content Author:「t_yand」,Reproduced under the CC 4.0 BY-SA copyright license with a link to the original source and this disclaimer.
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Leonard 2018-09-27T03:25:23

You have several problems.\n\n(1) fread returns the number of items read, but it will not return an eof indication. You need to call feof(stream*) to find out if you've reached the end of file.\n\n(2) You are saying your next pointer is 12 bytes. This is a very dangerous assumption. Prefer to read the 1012 bytes you've allocated to the data struct. In all likelihood you are currently printing stuff that wasn't read in, but is just uninitialized memory.\n\n(3) Use the return value from fread to decide how much memory to copy.",

Ed Heal 2018-09-27T04:04:23

Please see the comments in the code below - also consider changing the 1012 to use a #define. \n\n#include <stdio.h>\n#include <stdlib.h>\n\ntypedef struct Buffer{\n unsigned char data[1012];\n struct Buffer *next; //12 bytes\n}Buffer;\n\n// Create a structure to store stuff about a file\n\ntypedef struct {\n Buffer *head;\n Buffer *tail;\n size_t length;\n} MyFile;\n\n/*\nvoid mymemcpy(void *dest, void *src, size_t length){\n Buffer *buffer_toFill = (Buffer *)dest;\n Buffer *buffer_toAdd = (Buffer *)src;\n int a = 0; \n for(int i = 0; i < length; i++){\n buffer_toFill->data[i] = buffer_toAdd->data[i];\n }\n}\n\nBuffer* add_buffer_front(Buffer *head, Buffer *read_buffer, int size){\n Buffer *new_buffer = malloc(sizeof(Buffer));\n mymemcpy(new_buffer, read_buffer, size);\n if(head != NULL){\n new_buffer->next = head;\n }\n return new_buffer;\n}\n\n*/\n\n// Lets make this easier - The buffer has already been \"malloced\" once - why do it again\n\n// And why are you reversing the file\n\n// Perhaps \n\nvoid add_buffer(Buffer *to_be_added, MyFile *file, size_t extra_length) {\n if (file->tail) { // We have one item in the list\n file->tail->next = to_be_added;\n } else { // First buffer!\n file-> head = to_be_added;\n file-> tail = to_be_added;\n }\n to_be_added->next = NULL; // This is always the case as it is the last one\n file->length += extra_length;\n}\n\n/*\nvoid display_List(Buffer *head, size_t length){\n Buffer *current = head;\n while(current != NULL){\n for(int i = 0; i < length; i++){\n printf(\"%02X\",(unsigned)current->data[i]); //this shows different value compare with xxd <filename>\n //printf(\"%c\", current->data[i]); \n }\n Buffer *prev = current;\n free(prev);\n current = current->next;\n }\n}\n\n*/\n\n// Instead pass in the new structure\n\nvoid display_list(MyFile *file) {\n size_t contents_left = file -> length;\n Buffer * current = file -> head;\n while (current) {\n // At most each chunk has 1012 bytes - Check for that\n size_t chunk_length = contents_left > 1012 ? 1012 : contents_left;\n for(int i = 0; i <chunk_length ; i++){\n printf(\"%02X\",(unsigned)current->data[i]);\n }\n current = current -> next;\n }\n}\n\n\n}\nint main(int argc, char **argv){\n FILE *fd;\n MyFile read_file;\n read_file.head = NULL;\n read_file.tail = NULL;\n read_file.length = 0;\n\n Buffer *head_buffer = NULL;\n int file_length = 0;\n int eof_int = 1;\n if(argc != 2){\n printf(\"Usage: readFile <filename>\\n\");\n return 1; \n }\n\n fd = fopen(argv[1], \"rb\");\n\n // Check fd\n if (fd == NULL) {\n // error stuff\n return EXIT_FAILURE; // Look up the include for this\n }\n while(eof_int != 0){ \n Buffer *new_buffer = malloc(sizeof(Buffer));\n eof_int = fread(new_buffer->data, 1012, 1, fd); // Do not make assumptions on the size of a pointer and store it in the correct location\n if(eof_int == 0) { // Read nothing\n free(new_buffer); // We was too optimistic! Did Not need this in the end \n break;\n } else {\n add_buffer(&read_file, new_buffer, eof_int);\n }\n }\n display_List(&read_file);\n fclose(fd);\n return 0;\n}\n",

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