Generate sequences of anniversary dates between 2 dates
NickName:southwind Ask DateTime:2018-12-13T09:25:14

Generate sequences of anniversary dates between 2 dates

I tried to generate a sequence of dates between two dates. By search all the old posts, I found very nice solution using seq.Date.

For example:

> seq.Date(as.Date("2016/1/15"), as.Date("2016/5/1"), by = "month")
[1] "2016-01-15" "2016-02-15" "2016-03-15" "2016-04-15"

The above function yields very nice solution. However, it doesnt work when the date is 30 or 31 in Jan.

> seq.Date(as.Date("2016/1/30"), as.Date("2016/5/1"), by = "month")
[1] "2016-01-30" "2016-03-01" "2016-03-30" "2016-04-30"

The second anniversary jumps to March instead of being capped at 29/Feb. I couldnt find a workaround for this.

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Julius Vainora 2018-12-13T02:23:32

Here's an approach that also works in other cases:\n\nlibrary(lubridate)\nfun <- function(from, to, by) {\n mySeq <- seq.Date(as.Date(from), as.Date(to), by = by)\n as.Date(sapply(mySeq, function(d) d + 1 - which.max(day(d - 0:3))), origin = \"1970-01-01\")\n}\n\nfun(\"2016/1/30\", \"2016/5/1\", \"month\")\n# [1] \"2016-01-30\" \"2016-02-29\" \"2016-03-30\" \"2016-04-30\"\nfun(\"2017/1/31\", \"2017/5/1\", \"month\")\n# [1] \"2017-01-31\" \"2017-02-28\" \"2017-03-31\" \"2017-04-30\"\nfun(\"2017/1/29\", \"2017/5/1\", \"month\")\n# [1] \"2017-01-29\" \"2017-02-28\" \"2017-03-29\" \"2017-04-29\"\n\n\nWhat fun does is that it subtracts 0:3 from each date and chooses the one that has the largest day.",

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