Raspberry Pi 3 - USB to Serial Communication in C# on Windows 10 IOT Core
NickName:Santosh Biradar Ask DateTime:2018-02-15T15:01:26

Raspberry Pi 3 - USB to Serial Communication in C# on Windows 10 IOT Core

I am trying to Connect a Weighing Balance Device which has RS232 Serial Communication Port. It Gets Detected in Windows 10 PC & I can connect to it by using USB to Serial Converter through my Laptop's USB Port & I Can send & Receive Data using .Net applications.

But the Same Doesn't get Detected when I connect the Device to a USB Port on Raspberry Pi 3. I am using the Sample UWP application available on Git Hub


I am using Windows 10 IOT Core 16299 Build on Raspberry Pi 3

Some of the Forums suggest to get the Serial to USB Driver on Pi 3, Is there any one who has the drivers? I am not able to find any Serial to USB Converter which supports Windows 10 IOT Core.

Copyright Notice:Content Author:「Santosh Biradar」,Reproduced under the CC 4.0 BY-SA copyright license with a link to the original source and this disclaimer.
Link to original article:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/48801535/raspberry-pi-3-usb-to-serial-communication-in-c-sharp-on-windows-10-iot-core

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