How to drag SCNNode along specific axis after rotation?
NickName:ozaneski13 Ask DateTime:2022-08-16T19:00:10

How to drag SCNNode along specific axis after rotation?

I am currently working on Swift ARKit project.

I am trying to figure out how can I drag node object at specific axis even after some rotations. For example I want to move node along Y axis after rotations but It's axis directions stays same so even if I change Y position it's still move along World Y. SCNNode.localup is static and returns SCNVector3(0, 1, 0) and as far as I see there is no function for node's local up. If I remember correctly, it was enough to increase the local axis to drag after rotating in Unity.

Node object before rotation

Before applying some rotations to drag object all you need to do is increasing or decreasing specific axis.

Node object after rotation

After rotate green Y axis rotates too but when I increase or decrease local Y value object still moves along World Y.

Sorry for my bad English. Thanks for your helps.

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