Caching websites for offline use with SFSafariViewController
NickName:NikxDa Ask DateTime:2019-01-20T13:00:42

Caching websites for offline use with SFSafariViewController

I am using the following code to display a website in my app.

let webVC = SFSafariViewController(url: myUrl)
present(webVC, animated: true)

Now, I want to add offline reading. I know that iOS has a reading list, which apparently caches articles for offline use, but I could not find anything related in either the documentation for SFSafariViewController or elsewhere.

The only similar post I could find was this one (Swift iOS Cache WKWebView content for offline view) although it depends on WKWebView and writing a custom web archive exporter.

There must be a better way to achieve offline capabilities for SFSafariViewController, considering that it is newer and the recommended in-app method, and that Safari itself utilises an offline-mode for the iOS reading list. Any help?

Copyright Notice:Content Author:「NikxDa」,Reproduced under the CC 4.0 BY-SA copyright license with a link to the original source and this disclaimer.
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