Is it possible to use wildcards for queue permissions in WebSphere Liberty?
NickName:danishrulez Ask DateTime:2018-09-14T17:41:55

Is it possible to use wildcards for queue permissions in WebSphere Liberty?

The embedded messaging server in WebSphere Liberty supports access control on queues. In the server.xml, the following structure can be added under the messagingEngine section:

       <role name="queueAccess">
          <group name="admin"></group>
          <queuePermission queueRef="myQueues.queue_1">

This would grant the admin user access to the queue myQueues.queue_1 but, if I want to grant access to multiple queues myQueues.queue_1 to myQueues.queue_n, it seems I have to create a section per queue.

I have tried several wildcards, such as myQueues* or like a regexp myQueues.* - but no luck. I have been unable to find any documentation on the use of wildcards, so can someone confirm or deny whether wildcards are possible in this scenario?

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