How to convert json file to csv file using python or spark dataframe
NickName:pythonUser Ask DateTime:2019-04-09T23:00:44

How to convert json file to csv file using python or spark dataframe

I have to convert json file to csv file using spark dataframe in databricks. I have tried the below code to convert the json to csv but i'm getting the CSV data source does not support array data type in spark dataframe . I'm unable to convert to csv file .can someone help me on this issue how to remove _corrupt_string?

 import json
    print ("This is json data ", data)
    def js_r(data):
       with open(data, encoding='utf-8') as f_in:

    if __name__ == "__main__":
        dic_data_first = js_r(data)
        print("This is my dictionary", dic_data_first)
    keys= dic_data_first.keys()
    print ("The original dict keys",keys)
    dic_data_second={'my_items':dic_data_first['Data']for key in keys}
    with open('/dbfs/FileStore/tables/ABC_1.json', 'w') as f:   
         json.dump(dic_data_first, f)
    df ='dbfs:/FileStore/tables/ABC_1.json')   # reading a json and writing a  parquet
JSON data as follows:
{"aa" :"ss",

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