PrestaShop creates #sql_ files in /tmp for no reason
NickName:Rob Dillstorm Ask DateTime:2019-04-15T20:16:09

PrestaShop creates #sql_ files in /tmp for no reason

In my prestashop I am facing a strange issue. Prestashop creates temporary tables which are placed in /tmp as this is configured in my.cnf which is OK, but the issue why they are being generated and what can cause. Example of a file: mysql:mysql /tmp/#sql_c2d_3.MAD

My server is with centos 7, mariadb 10.3, php 7.1. If anything else is needed, I will be happy to share it.

My server is with centos 7, mariadb 10.3, php 7.1 and I checked which says: When you run certain ALTER or CREATE commands on an InnoDB table, a temporary table is created in mysql's tmpdir during the operation.The default value in my.cnf is /tmp

I am not sure after that if the issue is caused by the server or by prestashop. I checked if a module can cause this, but I was not able to find anything wrong.

Copyright Notice:Content Author:「Rob Dillstorm」,Reproduced under the CC 4.0 BY-SA copyright license with a link to the original source and this disclaimer.
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