JHipster non-angular landing page
NickName:Interfaced Ask DateTime:2016-09-12T07:34:30

JHipster non-angular landing page

I want to use plain html views in a JHipster project as a landing page. Is there a best practice for a Spring-Boot controller? My goal is to use a non-angular html page for the path "/". The angular-index.html is loaded automatically by spring boot defaults. I do not understand how i can make use this autoconfiguration of spring boot and at the same time have a non-angular view for the path "/".

public String hi() {
    return "hi";

This is the method to render the "hi.html" view, located in /resources/templates. The view is displayed correctly but i can not address the angular app anymore (ex. /home).

Copyright Notice:Content Author:「Interfaced」,Reproduced under the CC 4.0 BY-SA copyright license with a link to the original source and this disclaimer.
Link to original article:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/39441655/jhipster-non-angular-landing-page

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