Install Drupal database in specific PostGreSQL schema
NickName:Parth Doshi Ask DateTime:2019-05-25T16:16:38

Install Drupal database in specific PostGreSQL schema

I want to install & setup my Drupal databases in a specific schema of the PostgreSQL database. For example, let's say I have created a schema named "test_drupal" in my existing PostGreSQL database and want all Drupal tables such as "block_content", "block_content_field_data" etc. inside my schema.

I also tried specifying the prefix while doing the database setup through Advanced options but it is only adding a prefix before the table names. Ideally I want to put all my tables in a specific schema in PostGreSQL. How can prefix be used in this case?

Can someone please help?

I am using drupal version 8.7.1

Regards, Parth

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