SaltStack: restart server (not only reload) on particular change
NickName:guettli Ask DateTime:2019-09-19T16:45:00

SaltStack: restart server (not only reload) on particular change

In most cases it is enough to reload our PostgreSQL server:

    - name: postgresql
    - enable: True
    - reload: True
    - watch:
      - file: postgresql.conf
      - file: pg_hba.conf
    - require:
      - pkg: postgresql
    - failhard: True

But on some particular changes a reload is not enough, a restart is needed.

For example if this line gets added to postgresql.conf, a restart is required:

shared_preload_libraries = 'pglogical'

How can I tell Salt to use restart if the above line gets added to the config file?


  1. salt runs and 'pglogical' was not in the config before and not after the salt run. The servers should get reloaded.
  2. The config changes and 'pglogical' gets added. Now the server should get restarted
  3. The config changes and 'pglogical' is already in the file. The server should get reloaded.

Copyright Notice:Content Author:「guettli」,Reproduced under the CC 4.0 BY-SA copyright license with a link to the original source and this disclaimer.
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Siavash Sardari 2019-09-21T10:12:12

it depends on your sls architecture. for example if there is a variable in your pillar and you have a map.jinja you can handle this with something like bellow snippet.\n\n{% from \"postgresql/map.jinja\" import pillars with context %}\n\npostgresql_service:\n service.running:\n - name: postgresql\n - enable: True\n{% if pillars.shared_preload_libraries=='pglogical' %}\n - reload: True\n{% endif %}\n - watch:\n - file: postgresql.conf\n - file: pg_hba.conf\n - require:\n - pkg: postgresql\n - failhard: True\n",

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