Converting Unix timestamp in Google App scripts
NickName:user12297498 Ask DateTime:2019-10-30T21:08:28

Converting Unix timestamp in Google App scripts

I am new to Google App Script and am currently working on a project to help myself get familiar with it. My project has a part where I have to convert Unix Timestamp objects in nested JSON to human-readable time. As I don't know about converting timestamps in Google App scripts, I looked into the documentation and found "Utilities.formatDate()".

I tried using it on an example timestamp to see how it works and if it can be used for my needs. So I took a timestamp from the data and tried converting it with this code.

 function blah () {
  var tim = "1572401067";
  var formattedDate = Utilities.formatDate(tim, "GMT+5:30", "MM-dd-yyyy HH:mm:ss");


It ends with an error saying:

Cannot find method formatDate(string,string,string). (line 3, file "Code")Dismiss

What am I doing wrong here?

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