Prophecy autocomplete in PhpStorm
NickName:luchaninov Ask DateTime:2016-05-17T22:44:30

Prophecy autocomplete in PhpStorm

I use PhpStorm and Prophecy in PHPUnit tests.

I used plugin PHPUnit Autocomplete Assistant and it worked well until I updated to PhpStorm 2016.1.1. Plugin is disabled and this message shows on PhpStorm launch:

Following plugins are incompatible with current IDE build: PHPUnit Autocomplete Assistant

Author doesn't answer for a week at his GitHub issues so I started looking for alternatives but cannot find any. Without such plugin Prophecy in PHPStorm is not pleasant - your editor is full of warnings, there are no autocompletes and so on.

Do you know any other tools for PHPStorm and Prophecy?

Copyright Notice:Content Author:「luchaninov」,Reproduced under the CC 4.0 BY-SA copyright license with a link to the original source and this disclaimer.
Link to original article:

NuSphere 2016-05-26T18:54:53

I forked the repo at gitHub and fixed the code - my merge request is open.\n\nuntil you could use:\n\n\nbest regards",

oqq 2017-02-08T08:37:53

If you are using PhpStorm 2016.2+ you could create a file in your project root under ./.phpstorm.meta.php/prophecy.meta.php with this content:\n\n<?php\n\nnamespace PHPSTORM_META {\n override(\\PHPUnit\\Framework\\TestCase::prophesize(0),\n map([\n '' => '@',\n ])\n );\n}\n\n\nAfter that (maybe also after restarting PhpStorm), autocomplete with prophecy would work like a charm:\n\nautocomplete example for PhpStorm with prophecy and meta file\n\nNote the extends TestCase instead of the namespace lacking version for PHPUnit.\n\nMore info about this PhpStorm feature you could get here:\nPhpStorm Advanced Metadata",

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