Allow script tags in .Net Core middlewear
NickName:Brandon McAlees Ask DateTime:2019-12-24T13:32:52

Allow script tags in .Net Core middlewear

I'm running .Net Core middleware and an AngularJS front-end. On my main page, I have google analytics script tags, and other script tags necessary for verifying with third-party providers. removes these by default, however, there's a plugin "removeScriptTags". Does anyone have experience turning this off with the .Net Core Middleware?

A better solution may be to blacklist the crawlers you don't want seeing cached content, though I'm not sure this is configurable. In my case, it looks like all the user-agents below are accessing cached content.

enter image description here

Here is my "crawlerUserAgentPattern" which are the crawlers that should be allowed to access the cached content. I don't see the ones above on this list so I'm confused as to why they're allowed to access.


Copyright Notice:Content Author:「Brandon McAlees」,Reproduced under the CC 4.0 BY-SA copyright license with a link to the original source and this disclaimer.
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