Using mvc identity in multiple projects
NickName:AmirReza Ask DateTime:2016-01-16T04:16:21

Using mvc identity in multiple projects

we have a project in multiple layer ( containing data access layer , service layer , web .... ) also we have some entity like Person , User , Customer , Employee now we are going to use identity in our website for user register and authentication now if we want to register a user in one of the layers ( not website ) how we can do it according to identity , and what about authentication ?

(my first idea is add a user to database and use PasswordHasher Class of Microsoft.AspNet.Identity to hash a password , is there a better way ? for example move identity into a new class library project or any other ways )

another thing :

i want to know how we can use another entities like Customer , Employee ... in this design ?

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Win 2016-01-15T20:58:06

\n If we want to register a user in one of the layers ( not website ) how\n we can do it according to identity\n\n\nYou do not want bring ASP.Net Identity into Business Logic Layer. It should be at Presentation Layer only. \n\n\n (my first idea is add a user to database and use PasswordHasher Class\n of Microsoft.AspNet.Identity to hash a password , is there a better\n way ? for example move identity into a new class library\n project or any other ways )\n\n\nFirst of all, if you want to use ASP.Net Identity, you do not want to change or modify its tables. \n\nEasiest way is let ASP.Net Identity create tables first. Then you create your tables such as Customer, Employee. If you need relationship to UserId, use AspNetUsers - Id column as Primary Key or Foreign Key in your tables. \n\nAdam Freeman has free chapter for ASP.Net Identity here.\n\nOther Thoughts\n\nIf you want to change a lot, you might just want to consider using just OwinContext and AuthenticationManager instead of entire Identity. ",

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