Django Structlog is not printing or writing log message to console or file
NickName:Arif Ask DateTime:2020-02-12T14:03:36

Django Structlog is not printing or writing log message to console or file

I have installed django-structlog 1.4.1 for my Django project. I have followed all the steps which has been described in that link.

In my file:

import structlog


    "version": 1,
    "disable_existing_loggers": False,
    "formatters": {
        "json_formatter": {
            "()": structlog.stdlib.ProcessorFormatter,
            "processor": structlog.processors.JSONRenderer(),
        "plain_console": {
            "()": structlog.stdlib.ProcessorFormatter,
        "key_value": {
            "()": structlog.stdlib.ProcessorFormatter,
            "processor": structlog.processors.KeyValueRenderer(key_order=['timestamp', 'level', 'event', 'logger']),
    "handlers": {
        "console": {
            "class": "logging.StreamHandler",
            "formatter": "plain_console",
        "json_file": {
            "class": "logging.handlers.WatchedFileHandler",
            "filename": "log/json.log",
            "formatter": "json_formatter",
        "flat_line_file": {
            "class": "logging.handlers.WatchedFileHandler",
            "filename": "log/flat_line.log",
            "formatter": "key_value",
    "loggers": {
        "django_structlog": {
            "handlers": ["console", "flat_line_file", "json_file"],
            "level": "DEBUG",
        "django_structlog_demo_project": {
            "handlers": ["console", "flat_line_file", "json_file"],
            "level": "DEBUG",


In my

from django.http.response import HttpResponse
import structlog
logger = structlog.get_logger(__name__)

def func(request):
    logger.debug("debug message", bar="Buz")"info message", bar="Buz")
    logger.warning("warning message", bar="Buz")
    logger.error("error message", bar="Buz")
    logger.critical("critical message", bar="Buz")

    return HttpResponse('success')

Output in json.log:

{"request_id": "7903fdfb-e99a-4360-a8f0-769696520cc9", "user_id": null, "ip": "", "request": "<WSGIRequest: GET '/test'>", "user_agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/79.0.3945.88 Safari/537.36", "event": "request_started", "timestamp": "2020-02-12T05:11:23.877111Z", "logger": "django_structlog.middlewares.request", "level": "info"}
{"request_id": "7903fdfb-e99a-4360-a8f0-769696520cc9", "user_id": null, "ip": "", "code": 200, "request": "<WSGIRequest: GET '/test'>", "event": "request_finished", "timestamp": "2020-02-12T05:11:23.879736Z", "logger": "django_structlog.middlewares.request", "level": "info"}

Output in flat_line.log:

timestamp='2020-02-12T05:11:23.877111Z' level='info' event='request_started' logger='django_structlog.middlewares.request' request_id='7903fdfb-e99a-4360-a8f0-769696520cc9' user_id=None ip='' request=<WSGIRequest: GET '/test'> user_agent='Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/79.0.3945.88 Safari/537.36'
timestamp='2020-02-12T05:11:23.879736Z' level='info' event='request_finished' logger='django_structlog.middlewares.request' request_id='7903fdfb-e99a-4360-a8f0-769696520cc9' user_id=None ip='' code=200 request=<WSGIRequest: GET '/test'>

Output in console:

2020-02-12T05:11:23.877111Z [info     ] request_started                [django_structlog.middlewares.request] ip= request=<WSGIRequest: GET '/test'> request_id=7903fdfb-e99a-4360-a8f0-769696520cc9 user_agent=Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/79.0.3945.88 Safari/537.36 user_id=None
{'request_id': '7903fdfb-e99a-4360-a8f0-769696520cc9', 'user_id': None, 'ip': '', 'bar': 'Buz', 'event': 'warning message', 'timestamp': '2020-02-12T05:11:23.879035Z', 'logger': 'operational.views.core_view', 'level': 'warning'}
{'request_id': '7903fdfb-e99a-4360-a8f0-769696520cc9', 'user_id': None, 'ip': '', 'bar': 'Buz', 'event': 'error message', 'timestamp': '2020-02-12T05:11:23.879292Z', 'logger': 'operational.views.core_view', 'level': 'error'}
{'request_id': '7903fdfb-e99a-4360-a8f0-769696520cc9', 'user_id': None, 'ip': '', 'bar': 'Buz', 'event': 'critical message', 'timestamp': '2020-02-12T05:11:23.879468Z', 'logger': 'operational.views.core_view', 'level': 'critical'}
2020-02-12T05:11:23.879736Z [info     ] request_finished               [django_structlog.middlewares.request] code=200 ip= request=<WSGIRequest: GET '/test'> request_id=7903fdfb-e99a-4360-a8f0-769696520cc9 user_id=None
[12/Feb/2020 05:11:23] "GET /test HTTP/1.1" 200 7

My issues are:

  • 'info' and 'debug' level log message is not showing at the console.
  • Any type of log message is not writing at the log files except "event='request_started'" and "event='request_finished'"

I want same message in all of my log files and console. How can i achieve this?

Copyright Notice:Content Author:「Arif」,Reproduced under the CC 4.0 BY-SA copyright license with a link to the original source and this disclaimer.
Link to original article:

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