Javascript replace regexp \\n with \n, \\t with \t, \\r with \r and so on
NickName:Joshua Beckers Ask DateTime:2020-02-09T12:10:59

Javascript replace regexp \\n with \n, \\t with \t, \\r with \r and so on

I'm having an HTML Input field where the user can enter a delimiter.

This delimiter can include \n, \t, \r and so on. When I append the delimiter to a string in javascript it is appended as \n instead of as a newline character.

While I can use str.replace(/\\n/g, "\n") and so on to replace one variation it does not work if I write a general catch-all regexp like str.replace(/\\([a-z])/g, "\$1") since this just replaces \n with \n again.

How do I have to rewrite the RegExp to replace all double backslashes in front of a character?

Copyright Notice:Content Author:「Joshua Beckers」,Reproduced under the CC 4.0 BY-SA copyright license with a link to the original source and this disclaimer.
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