JavaScript RegExp objects
NickName:okoman Ask DateTime:2009-02-06T01:22:03

JavaScript RegExp objects

I try to write a simple Markdown parser in JavaScript. Therefore I want to check for the [link content][link id] syntax. I use the following code:

data = data.replace( /\[(.*?)\][ ]*\[([0-9]+)\]/g, '<a href="$2">$1</a>' );

It works well, but now I want to do this with a RegExp object. So I set up the following bit of code:

var r = new RegExp( '\[(.*?)\][ ]*\[([0-9]+)\]', 'g' );
data = data.replace( r, '<a href="$2">$1</a>' );

But it doesn't work. It even says that my regular expression (which works since the first example does a good job) is invalid:

unmatched ) in regular expression

I think it must have to do with some RegExp-object peculiarities I am not aware of. What am I doing wrong and how can the problem be solved?

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bobince 2009-02-05T18:51:44

In addition to the pattern's backslash problem, this:\n\ndata = data.replace( r, '<a href=\"$2\">$1</a>' );\n\n\ncould be dangerous. I'll assume you've already taken care of the HTML-escaping, so I won't be able to do this:\n\n[<script>stealCookies()</script>][]\n[hover me][http://hello\" onmouseover=\"stealCookies()]\n\n\nbut you'll still need to check the URL is a known-good scheme so I can't do this:\n\n[click me][javascript:stealCookies()]\n\n\nYou'll probably want to use the String.replace(r, func) variant of the method, and include validation in your replacement-making 'func'.",

chills42 2009-02-05T17:25:48

var r = /\\[(.*?)\\][ ]*\\[([0-9]+)\\]/g;\ndata = data.replace( r, '<a href=\"$2\">$1</a>' );\n",

Quassnoi 2009-02-05T17:26:01

Double escape you backslashes:\n\nvar r = new RegExp( '\\\\[(.*?)\\\\][ ]*\\[([0-9]+)\\\\]', 'g' );\n",

Sean Bright 2009-02-05T17:25:40

Because the first argument of the RegExp constructor is a string, not a pattern literal, you have to escape the backslashes, since you want literal backslashes in the pattern:\n\nvar r = new RegExp( '\\\\[(.*?)\\\\][ ]*\\\\[([0-9]+)\\\\]', 'g' );\n",

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