Problems creating virtual env with different Python version
NickName:Schelmuffsky Ask DateTime:2020-01-30T21:56:02

Problems creating virtual env with different Python version

I'm working on a big project that needs to be ported from python2.7 to python3.7. For developing, I rely on virtual envs.

For the 2.7v, I'm using a virtual environment created with the virtualenv module and it's packages virtualenvwrapper, and virtualenvwrapper-win.

For the 3.7v, I tried to create an env by using the same packages, this time I installed them to the python3.7 directory. I managed to set up the python3.7 with its own environmental variable, naming it python3.exe so I could chose, where to install additional python packages.

i.e. pip install virtualenv - to install Virtualenv in the python2.7 directory, but

python3 -m pip install virtualenv - to install it into the python3.7 directory

C:\Users\user1>pip freeze


C:\Users\user1>python3 -m pip freeze

So far so good.

When I want to create a virtual env named envTest with python3.7, here's the command I use:

mkvirtualenv python3 envTest

To avoid any further misidentification, I renamed the new python executable in the local env's folder to python0.exe.

Now, I can check the paths and versions of all three available python sources (python.exe=python2.7 , python3.exe=python3.7, and python0.exe= python executable from virtual env).

BUT, here is what I get:

(envTest) C:\Users\user1\projects\env_testing>whereis python

(envTest) C:\Users\user1\projects\env_testing>whereis python3

(envTest) C:\Users\user1\projects\env_testing>whereis python0

(envTest) C:\Users\user1\projects\env_testing>python --version
Python 2.7.16

(envTest) C:\Users\user1\projects\env_testing>python3 --version
Python 3.7.4

(envTest) C:\Users\user1\projects\env_testing>python0 --version
Python 2.7.16

(envTest) C:\Users\user1\projects\env_testing>

It looks to me, like I didn't get the right virtualenvwrapper when creating the envTest env, and thereby indirectly called the wrong python version.

How could I fix this?

I also tried to simply try the python3.x built-in venv, but using it, I get an Error message:

C:\Users\user1\projects>python3 -m venv ./venv_Test venvEnv
Error: [WinError 2] The system cannot find the file specified

even though it created the following directories, although without python executable

30.01.2020  14:41    <DIR>          .
30.01.2020  14:41    <DIR>          ..
30.01.2020  14:41    <DIR>          Include
30.01.2020  14:41    <DIR>          Lib
30.01.2020  14:41               117 pyvenv.cfg
30.01.2020  14:41    <DIR>          Scripts

Copyright Notice:Content Author:「Schelmuffsky」,Reproduced under the CC 4.0 BY-SA copyright license with a link to the original source and this disclaimer.
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