Replace string in specific index in list of lists python
NickName:Rief Ask DateTime:2020-03-02T11:39:54

Replace string in specific index in list of lists python

How can i replace a string in list of lists in python but i want to apply the changes only to the specific index and not affecting the other index, here some example:

mylist = [["test_one", "test_two"], ["test_one", "test_two"]]

i want to change the word "test" to "my" so the result would be only affecting the second index:

mylist = [["test_one", "my_two"], ["test_one", "my_two"]]

I can figure out how to change both of list but i can't figure out what I'm supposed to do if only change one specific index.

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Chris 2020-03-02T03:43:00

Use indexing:\n\nnewlist = []\nfor l in mylist:\n l[1] = l[1].replace(\"test\", \"my\")\n newlist.append(l)\nprint(newlist)\n\n\nOr oneliner if you always have two elements in the sublist:\n\nnewlist = [[i, j.replace(\"test\", \"my\")] for i, j in mylist]\nprint(newlist)\n\n\nOutput:\n\n[['test_one', 'my_two'], ['test_one', 'my_two']]\n",

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