MySQL C API mysql_query
NickName:jakeheik90 Ask DateTime:2015-09-11T18:38:46

MySQL C API mysql_query

I have two problems with the MySQL C API. How do I get variable to be added to the table when I do the mysql_query() and how do I get the table show decimals?

Here is my code:

void insertDataToTable(MYSQL* con, float temp, int k)
    mysql_query(con, "INSERT INTO Weatherstation VALUES(@k,'Temperature:', @temp)");

Thank you!

Copyright Notice:Content Author:「jakeheik90」,Reproduced under the CC 4.0 BY-SA copyright license with a link to the original source and this disclaimer.
Link to original article:

asio_guy 2015-09-11T10:42:47

Try this\n\nvoid insertDataToTable(MYSQL* con, float temp, int k)\n{\n char query[255] ;\n\n sprintf( query, \"INSERT INTO Weatherstation VALUES(%ld,'Temperature:', %d)\", temp, k );\n mysql_query(con, query );\n\n\n}\n",

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