Substitute File.Readlines() with something that is able to read URL/https
NickName:Fissure Ask DateTime:2020-06-13T13:21:34

Substitute File.Readlines() with something that is able to read URL/https

I'm trying to parse a .csv file located in Azure blob storage. When I parse the .csv file from my local using File.Readlines(), it works fine. When I pass the path of the blob and debug, I get the following message at File.Readlines():

enter image description here

Here's my code:

public IList<blabla> getFiles()
            _rootFileDirectory = configurationService.GetString("stuff-stuff-stuff-stuff");

            var path = Path.Combine(_rootFileDirectory + "File", $"{_Id}.csv");
            var filePath = path.Contains("https://") ? path.Replace('\\', '/') : path;
            var listOfObjects = Parser(filePath); <-----
            return listOfObjects;

        private IList<blabla> Parser(string filePath)
            var Data = File.ReadLines(filePath); <-----

The path that keeps failing is:

<add key="stuff-stuff-stuff-stuff" value="https://*************/" />

Again, when I run from my local (C:\Users\*******\Desktop\), it works fine. I'm guessing this is because File.Readlines() isn't able to read https paths. Can anyone confirm this and help me find a work-around with the same functionality?

Thanks in advance for helping a noob out.

Copyright Notice:Content Author:「Fissure」,Reproduced under the CC 4.0 BY-SA copyright license with a link to the original source and this disclaimer.
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