Get fields of foreign key in serializer django
NickName:Arian Hassani Ask DateTime:2020-10-31T21:53:51

Get fields of foreign key in serializer django

I'm 2 weeks into django so this might be dumb! In my django project, I have 3 models, Teacher, Student and a CustomUser. CustomUser has 2 fields first_name and last_name. Student has 3 fields grade, field_of_study and user which is a foreign key to CustomUser. Now inside my StudentSerializer I want to serialize first_name, last_name, grade and field of study. But because the last 2 field are not direct fields of Student, I cannot do that. Anyone know how this should be handled?

I also came across this Retrieving a Foreign Key value with django-rest-framework serializers but the answer didn't help really.

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