How to detect Linux or macOS or Windows in powershell?
NickName:SebMa Ask DateTime:2020-11-18T21:11:17

How to detect Linux or macOS or Windows in powershell?

I use uname -s in bash scripts to determine the OS and it returns Linux, Darwin or MINGW64_NT... when its running on Linux, macOS or Windows.

EDIT0 : I want my $PROFILE script to detect the OS whether is running on Windows with PS (version could be lower than 6) or Linux with PSv>=6.

I found this in powershell :

PS> [System.Environment]::OSVersion.Platform

On Linux, it returns Unix and on a 64bits Windows, it returns Win32NT.

I don't have a macOS at my disposal (not yet:)) so I don't know what it actually returns on macOS.

EDIT1 : This method doesn't seem to different between Unix and Linux or Windows32b and Windows64b.

What other ways are there to detect the OS in powershell 5.1 ?

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