Filter a model by date range of next week in Django
NickName:user001 Ask DateTime:2020-11-30T17:25:18

Filter a model by date range of next week in Django

How can I filter the model data according to date range of two columns - birthday and anniversary which are datefields using Django querysets? This is in a function that is called every friday. So the date range will be from tomorrow i.e., Saturday to next Friday.

def mailer_function():
    model_data = Model.objects.filter(
                  birthday__range=["tomorrow(i.e., Saturday's date)", "next friday's date"],
                  anniversary__range=["tomorrow(i.e., Saturday's date)", "next friday's date"]

Here I should get the model_data whose birthday or anniversary dates are in the next week.

Copyright Notice:Content Author:「user001」,Reproduced under the CC 4.0 BY-SA copyright license with a link to the original source and this disclaimer.
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Txema 2020-11-30T11:38:25

You can use datetime.timedelta\nimport datetime\n\ndef next_week():\n today =\n return [\n today + datetime.timedelta(days=1),\n today + datetime.timedelta(days=7)\n ]\n\nAnd if you want to filter birthday OR anniversary, check Q objects\nfrom django.db.models import Q\n\nqueryset = Model.objects.filter(\n Q(birthday__range=next_week()) | Q(anniversary__range=next_week())\n)\n\nTo schedule use your favorite external tool, something like cron. I suggest to create your task as a management command",

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