How to retrieve Postgresql Sequence-cache value from Postgresql Catalog tables?
NickName:Ravikumar S Ask DateTime:2013-08-07T00:07:34

How to retrieve Postgresql Sequence-cache value from Postgresql Catalog tables?

I have used this below query to get the complete information of Sequence objects from the Postgresql catalog table

select s.sequence_name, s.start_value, s.minimum_value, s.maximum_value, s.increment, s.cycle_option 
from information_schema.sequences s 
 where s.sequence_schema='schema1' 

One more attribute value am not able to get is "Cache" value.

Am using Postgresql 9.2

Here is the DDL syntax for the sequence with cache,

ALTER SEQUENCE [ IF EXISTS ] name [ INCREMENT [ BY ] increment ]


[ START [ WITH ] start ]

[ RESTART [ [ WITH ] restart ] ]

[ CACHE cache ] [ [ NO ] CYCLE ]

[ OWNED BY { table_name.column_name | NONE } ]

Is there any Postgres functions to get this Sequence cache value ?



Copyright Notice:Content Author:「Ravikumar S」,Reproduced under the CC 4.0 BY-SA copyright license with a link to the original source and this disclaimer.
Link to original article:

Daniel Vérité 2013-08-06T17:07:39

With PostgreSQL 10 or newer, the cache size can be obtained from the system view pg_sequences or the system table pg_sequence:\nSELECT cache_size FROM pg_catalog.pg_sequences\n WHERE schemaname='public' and sequencename='s';\n\nor alternatively\nSELECT seqcache FROM pg_catalog.pg_sequence\n WHERE seqrelid = 'public.s'::regclass;\n\nOmit the schema qualification (public or more generally the name of the schema) in the 2nd query to use automatically search_path instead of a fixed schema.\nWith versions older than v10, you may query the sequence itself as if it was a table.\nFor example:\nCREATE SEQUENCE s CACHE 10;\nSELECT cache_value FROM s;\n\nResult:\n cache_value \n-------------\n 10\n\nOr\n\\x\nSELECT * FROM s;\n\nResult:\n\n-[ RECORD 1 ]-+--------------------\nsequence_name | s\nlast_value | 1\nstart_value | 1\nincrement_by | 1\nmax_value | 9223372036854775807\nmin_value | 1\ncache_value | 10\nlog_cnt | 0\nis_cycled | f\nis_called | f\n",

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