Unable to run java from CMD
NickName:John Schwartz Ask DateTime:2016-01-29T02:09:34

Unable to run java from CMD

I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong... I'm following several YouTube videos and I'm still unable to run my java program from the command prompt.

VERY first thing I did in cmd was: set path="[copied URL to the JDK bin directory]"

Then I used 'cd' to get all the way to my homework directory, containing 4 java files.

Then I typed in 'javac hangman.java' to compile it... (Let's just say it was hangman)

Finally, I typed in 'java hangman'

And it says: "Error: Could not find or load main class hangman" inside my cmd.

What have I done wrong?

(I'm using Windows 10 if this somehow makes a difference.)

Copyright Notice:Content Author:「John Schwartz」,Reproduced under the CC 4.0 BY-SA copyright license with a link to the original source and this disclaimer.
Link to original article:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/35068877/unable-to-run-java-from-cmd

Armaiti 2016-01-28T18:14:51

Two things:\n\n\nMake sure your class name starts with capital letter, Hangman instead of hangman.\nMake sure you have public static void main(String[] args) method \n",

Jessica 2016-01-28T18:20:52

\nFirst you have to indicate where the java file is.\nBut if you are in the same directory as your class to compile => error not find main class.\njavac namefile.javac\njava namefile\n\n\nFor exemple, I want to compile Car.java and its path is: Desktop > CarsProyects > src > carsPackage.\n\nif I'll try: \ncd Desktop\ncd CarsProyects\ncd src\ncd carsPackage\njavac Cars.java\njava Cars\n\nI would have the same error as you 'main class not load or not find' \nSo try this one (cd carsPackage >.. ):\n\ncd Desktop\ncd CarsProyects\ncd src\njavac Cars.java\njava Cars\n\nI hope this help!",

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