Getting error while running update query in postgresql
NickName:Moolya Ask DateTime:2021-06-30T13:00:50

Getting error while running update query in postgresql

I am new to PostgreSQL. While running below update query I am getting below error.

update useremails ue 
SET ue.useinstitutionid=id.InstitutionID from instdomains id 
where REGEXP CONCAT('^.*[.@]',id.DomainMask,'$');

ERROR: syntax error at or near "REGEXP"

Mysql query

UPDATE useremails
JOIN instdomains ON 
REGEXP CONCAT('^.*[.@]',instdomains.DomainMask,'$')
SET useremails.useinstitutionid=instdomains.InstitutionID;

I converted this query from mysql to Postgresql. How can rewrite this query in postgresql?

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