How to preserve decimal values when converting POSIXct to character?
NickName:Bear Bile Farming is Torture Ask DateTime:2021-06-23T20:35:37

How to preserve decimal values when converting POSIXct to character?

> t <- Sys.time()
> ct <- as.character(t)
> t - as.POSIXct(ct)
Time difference of 0.4370408 secs

The above example indicates that precision is lost when converting POSIXct to character.

How to preserve the exact value when converting to character so that when I convert back to POSIXct from character I get the original value?

Copyright Notice:Content Author:「Bear Bile Farming is Torture」,Reproduced under the CC 4.0 BY-SA copyright license with a link to the original source and this disclaimer.
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ktiu 2021-06-23T12:46:36

You can set the option digits.secs to 6 (its maximum value).\noptions(digits.secs = 6)\n\nt <- Sys.time()\nct <- as.character(t)\nt - as.POSIXct(ct)\n\nTime difference of 0 secs\n",

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