Pandas Series: string date to epoch unix seconds
NickName:Jenna Kwon Ask DateTime:2016-12-05T12:12:14

Pandas Series: string date to epoch unix seconds

I have a Pandas Dataframe where one column is in a string date format as below

0               time
1  September 20 2016  
2  September 20 2016     
3  September 19 2016     
4  September 16 2016

What would be a succinct way for replacing time to be in epoch unix seconds?

Copyright Notice:Content Author:「Jenna Kwon」,Reproduced under the CC 4.0 BY-SA copyright license with a link to the original source and this disclaimer.
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monkut 2016-12-05T05:13:52

You can modify the values of a column using the Series' apply method by giving it a function containing the actions you want to perform on each of the values.\nFor handling datetimes you can use dateutil.parser.parse to parse arbitrary strings into datetime objects.\nimport datetime\nimport pandas as pd\nfrom dateutil.parser import parse\n\ns = pd.Series(['September 20 2016',\n'September 20 2016',\n'September 19 2016',\n'September 16 2016'])\ndf = pd.DataFrame(s)\n\ndef dt2epoch(value):\n d = parse(value)\n return d.timestamp()\n \ndf[0].apply(dt2epoch) # apples given function to each value of column\n\nResult:\n0 1474329600\n1 1474329600\n2 1474243200\n3 1473984000\nName: 0, dtype: float64\n",

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