Sort by keyword index mongodb
NickName:dahveed Ask DateTime:2021-08-08T11:04:52

Sort by keyword index mongodb

I was wondering if there was a way to sort my mongodb results by the index of the search keyword.
For example if I search the db by {name: da} i'll get back results like [{name: "yoda"}, {name: "david"}, {name: "soda"}, {name: "daniel"}]. But I would want the order to be something like this [{name: "david"}, {name: "daniel"}, {name: "yoda"}, {name: "soda"}]. I know that I can sort the results after I find them like this:

const re = new RegExp(keyword, "i");
results.sort((a, b) => -

But I also wanted to limit the amount of documents I get back from the database. I looked at the textScore metadata in the mongodb docs, but I have no clue if its useful in my case.

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